Herbert W. Armstrong
Searchable Library

Dear Brethren,

In the 20th century, God used Herbert W. Armstrong to preach the true Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world.  God revitalized the Church of God in the late 1930s – the same Church that Jesus originally founded and said would never die. Herbert W. Armstrong was an early pioneer of radio evangelism, originally broadcasting from the Willamette Valley of Oregon.  Here is his quote from “The Autobiography of Herbert W. Armstrong:”

Herbert W. Armstrong Searchable Library“I saw that the very PURPOSE of the Church was to preach Christ's GOSPEL! It is HIS BODY -- His instrument by which HE carries on GOD'S WORK!

I looked carefully at that Gospel as Christ Himself preached it, and taught it to His first ministers. It is recorded in the four books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. At almost every point of teaching that Jesus enunciated, the teachings of traditional Christian bodies today are just the opposite.

THEY WERE NOT PREACHING THE SAME GOSPEL AT ALL, BUT A TOTALLY OPPOSITE MESSAGE! This was shocking -- incredible -- unbelievable! Yet I was compelled to see it was true!

Jesus began the work of preaching the very Gospel which GOD the Father had sent to mankind through Him. He commissioned His disciples -- His Church -- to carry this same Gospel to all the world. And He had said He would never drop the Work He had begun! But WHERE was it going on today?

I knew now that when I found the one and only true Church, I would find a Church obedient to God -- keeping His commandments -- having the testimony of Jesus Christ, which is the TRUTH of the Scriptures.”

In February, 1934, Herbert W. Armstrong began the publication of “The Plain Truth Magazine.”  In 1951 he began to publish an additional magazine, “The Good News” of the World Tomorrow.  It was a magazine of doctrinal and foundational articles.  Mr. Armstrong’s book “The United States and Britain in Prophecy” was published in 1954.  It shows that the peoples of the United States, the British Commonwealth nations, and the nations of Northwestern Europe are descendants of the ten lost tribes of Israel. Then, in August 1985, only months before he died, Herbert W. Armstrong's final work, “Mystery of the Ages,” was published. He wrote that "time may prove this to be the most important book written in almost 1,900 years."  Mystery of the Ages is a synopsis of the Bible in plain and understandable language.

We wish to provide all the writings of Herbert W. Armstrong to the most serious students of the Bible.  We provide this link to the Herbert W. Armstrong Searchable library in the hope that you will use it to build your foundation on Jesus Christ and the truth of the Bible.

Herbert W. Armstrong Searchable Library (USA) - http://www.herbert-armstrong.org/

Herbert W. Armstrong Library and Archives    (Australia) - http://www.hwalibrary.org/
